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Home Page > War Crimes > ZAVIDOVICI



According to the official results of the 1991 census, the Zavidovici district had 57,153 residents:

7,519 Croats (13,2%)
34,341 Moslems (60,1%)
11,637 Serbs (20,4%)
3,656 others (6,3%)

During the Serbian aggression against Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992) the northeastern sections of the Zavidovici district were occupied, and from there the Serb forces shelled those sections that were not under occupation. An unsuccessful attack of B-H Army soldiers on the neighbouring district of Zepce was followed by several small incidents in the Zavidovici district.

On November 4th 1993, B-H Army soldiers killed and massacred two Croat civilians in the village of Viniste.


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