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Written 08.12.2009. 12:44
According to the official results of the 1991 census, the Odzak district had 30,651 residents:

16,598 Croats (54,2%)
6,229 Moslems (20,3%)
6,084 Serbs (19,8%)
1,740 others (5,7%)

During the Serbian aggression against Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992) the Odzak district area came under attack (end of April 1992), during which time many residential and farm buildings sustained a considerable material damage. By the end of October 1992, a handful of poorly equipped defenders were forced to retreat before the fierce attacks of the Serbian armed forces. The Serbian aggressors occupied the entire district area, the surviving civilian residents were evicted, while some of them were imprisoned in notorious camps such as Pelagicevo (in the village of Pelagicevo), Bare (in Doboj) and Luka (in Brcko).

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