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Kebo presenting evidence that Izetbegovic brought mujahideen to Bosnia

Written 19.01.2015. 14:49

Mirsad Kebo, the vice-president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, says he will soon present evidence that the former BiH Presidency chairman, Alija Izetbegovic, brought the mujahideen to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Kebo, who has so far presented a series of evidence linking many Bosniak politicians with war crimes, says that he has for some time now been subjected to various forms of pressure in Sarajevo and that he has received a lot of threats, mainly in writing or through an intermediary, from those who are included in the evidence he had submitted to the BiH Prosecutor’s Office.

He told Press Republika Srpska that this was evidence that he had “revealed one of the biggest affairs” in the post-Dayton era.

“I declare under full responsibility that political, religious, terrorist and media mafias have been installed and they do not choose the means in confronting their opponents, even though I have long believed things to be different,” said Kebo.

He says he has so far disclosed plenty of serious evidence, that 6,000 documents “isn’t little”, many of which are labelled as original since they arrived from the Hague war crimes tribunal and he received them from confidential sources.

When asked if he believed the Prosecutor’s Office could accuse him of being responsible for covering-up evidence, Kebo said he was hoping that that would be impossible, but certain he would be subjected to political pressure. If that occurred, he said, he would take it to the International Court of Justice.

If the persons held responsible are not prosecuted, he will send letters to the United Nations, the US Congress, take it to the EU in Brussels, and go see a personal friend, the Emperor of Japan, in order to dismantle the “core of tycoons and politicians who have let their tentacles reach everywhere, even the judiciary.”


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