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Written 08.12.2009. 12:50
According to the official results of the 1991 census, the Derventa district had 56,328 residents:

21,972 Croats (39,0%)
7,122 Moslems (12,6%)
22,986 Serbs (40,8%)
4,248 others (7,6%)

In late February 1992, the first Serb barricades were set up on the roads in the Derventa district. In mid-March 1992, Serb forces shelled the town of Derventa. The Serbian Army occupied the southwest section of the district, whereupon the surviving non-Serb residents were either imprisoned or evicted. In April, May and June 1992, the Serbian air force, backed up by incessant artillery attacks, bombarded the section of the district area that was not under occupation. Many residential and farm buildings were destroyed and burnt down, and all surviving civilian residents abandoned the district area. In July and August 1992, the entire Croat and Moslem sacral and cultural heritage was destroyed. In September 1992 the entire district area was occupied.

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